1113. Zlunice

in the year: 1997

Basic data
Station number: 1113
Station name: Zlunice
Station type: stacionary - manual
District: Jičín
Institution: EKOTOXA
Laboratory address
AGP Jičín,lab.Bašnice
Barnet Petr
507 73 Bašnice, Dobrá Voda u Hořic
Tel: 0453/687236
Fax: 0453/687134
Impeachable worker address
Ing. Marie Skybová
Horní nám. 2
746 01 Opava
Tel: 0653/696141
Fax: 0653/218049
Geographics coordinates:latitude: 50° 18' longitude: 15° 23' 7"
Altitude: 268 m
Expletory data of station
Landscape: Plain
Scenery: Built-up area, non-built-up area, marginal parts of municipalities
Representative: Urban (City) scale (4-50 km)
Purpose: Evaluation of the effect on other environment components, damage evaluation
Verbal description placing
Stanice je umístěna na Jižním okraji obce Žlunice, na okraji fotbalového hřiště, které je situováno mezi středisky ZD a sady.
Date of establishment station: 28-01-1993 Date of termination station:
Begin date
End date
SO2 ( sulphur dioxide ) WGAE ( West-Gaeke spectrophotometry )ug/m^3 24 h 28-01-1993
NOx ( nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen) ) GUAJA ( guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry )ug/m^3 24 h 28-01-1993

List of imission air quality measuring stations...