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ESVRM, Svratouch

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Situation in the year: 2004

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality: ESVRM
Old ISKO number: 619
Locality: Svratouch
Type of measuring programme: Manual measuring program
Measuring networks: EMEP 
Administrator ČHMÚ - pob.Hradec Králové
Dvorská 410
50311  Hradec Králové
E-mail: pavlina.klimesova@chmi.cz
Data supplier
Laboratoře ČHMÚ
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme: Evalution of total level of concentrations beckground
Place description
2 samostatné budky na travnaté ploše 5m od budovy.
Lab. = Laboratory, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement
Lab. Component Method Unit A R Par. Interval Date of start Date of end
1 HNO3 [nitric acid] GRIES [spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction)] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1990 31.12.2001 
1 NH3 [ammonia] BERTH [Berthelot method - spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1990 31.12.2001 
1 NH4 [ammonium particles] BERTH [Berthelot method - spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1990 31.12.2001 
1 NOx [nitrogen oxides(oxides of nitrogen)] GUAJA [guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1984 30.06.1997 
1 NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] GUAJA [guajacol (modif. Jakobs-Hochheiser) - spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.07.1997  
1 NO3 [nitrate - particles] GRIES [spectrophotometry with sulfanilamid and NEDA (Griess reaction)] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1990 31.12.2001 
1 O3 [ozone] UVABS [UV-absorption] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1h 01.01.1992 31.10.1994 
2 PM10 [suspended particles (PM10 fraction)] GRV [gravimetry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.2005  
2 PM2,5 [fine suspended particles (PM2,5 fraction)] GRV [gravimetry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.2005  
2 SNH4 [sum of ammonium ions] BERTH [Berthelot method - spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.2002  
2 SNO3 [sum of nitrate ions] HPLC [high pressure liquid chromatography] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.2002  
2 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] THOR [thorin spectrophotometry] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1984 30.06.2000 
2 SO2 [sulphur dioxide] IC [ion chromatography] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.07.2000  
2 SO4 [sulphate - particles] IC [ion chromatography] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.2003  
2 SO4 [sulphate - particles] XRF [X-ray fluorescence] µg/m3 Yes Yes 0 1d 01.01.1988 31.12.1998 


List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1 ČHMÚ - Libuš CLI
Gen.Šišky 942
Ing. Jiří Novák     
14200  Praha 4-Libuš
Tel: 241727935
Fax: 241727935
E-mail: jiri.novak@chmi.cz
Laboratory number 2 ČHMÚ-pobočka Ústi n/Labem
Pošt.přihrádka 2
Ing.Plachá Helena     
40011  Ústi n/Labem
Tel: 472706057
Fax: 472706024
E-mail: placha@chmi.cz

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