Station networks of precipitation and atmospheric deposition

Weekly Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitation - CHMI

Brdy-Nepomuk - IFER (BRD)
Bily Kriz - CHMI (BKR)
Hradec Kralove - CHMI (HKR)
Kocelovice - CHMI (KOC)
Kocelovice - CHMI (KOC)
Kosetice - CHMI (GEM)
Lednice-Mendeleum CHMI (LED)
Ostrava Poruba - CHMI (POR)
Praha Libus - CHMI (LIB)
Přimda - CHMI (PRM)
Rudolice - CHMI (RUD)
Sous - CHMI (SOU)
Svratouch - CHMI (SVR)
Svratouch - CHMI (SVR)
Vsechlapy - CHMI (VSE)
Cervena - CHMI (CRV)
Upice - CHMI (UPI)
Usti n.L. Kockov - CHMI (UNL)

Monthly Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitation - PL

Bogatynia - PL ( BOG, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )
Jakuszyce - PL ( JAK, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )
Karpacz - PL ( KAR, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )
Klodzko - PL ( KLO, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )
Przesieka - PL ( PRZ, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )
Sniezka - PL ( SNI, daily cummulated samples, monthly wet-only )

Monthly Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitation - VÚV

Doksany - VÚV ( DKS, monthly bulk samples )
Hribeci - VÚV ( HRI, monthly bulk samples )
Jizerka - VÚV ( JIZ, monthly bulk samples )
Luznice n.Luzn.- VÚV ( LUZ, monthly bulk samples )
Podbaba - VÚV ( PDB, monthly bulk samples )
Primda - VÚV ( PRI, monthly bulk samples )
Rychory - VÚV ( RYC, monthly bulk samples )
Sous v Jiz.h.- VÚV ( SOS, monthly bulk samples )

Monthly Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitation - ČGÚ

Jezeri - ČGÚ ( JEZ, monthly bulk samples )
Jezeri - ČGÚ ( JEZ, monthly throughfall )
Lesni potok - ČGÚ ( LES, monthly bulk samples )
Lesni potok - ČGÚ ( LES, monthly throughfall )
Loukov - ČGÚ ( LKV, monthly bulk samples )
Loukov - ČGÚ ( LKV, monthly throughfall )
Modry potok - ČGÚ ( MOP, monthly bulk samples )
Modry potok - ČGÚ ( MOP, monthly throughfall )
Na lizu - ČGÚ ( LIZ, monthly bulk samples )
Na lizu - ČGÚ ( LIZ, monthly throughfall )
Polomka - ČGÚ ( POM, monthly bulk samples )
Polomka - ČGÚ ( POM, monthly throughfall )
Salacova Lhota - ČGÚ ( SAL, monthly bulk samples )
Salacova Lhota - ČGÚ ( SAL, monthly throughfall )
Spalenec - ČGÚ ( SPA, monthly bulk samples )
Spalenec - ČGÚ ( SPA, monthly throughfall )
U dvou loucek - ČGU ( UDL, monthly bulk samples )
U dvou loucek - ČGU ( UDL, monthly throughfall )
Uhlirska - ČGÚ ( UHL, monthly bulk samples )
Uhlirska - ČGÚ ( UHL, monthly throughfall )
Cervik - ČGÚ ( CER, monthly bulk samples )
Cervik - ČGÚ ( CER, monthly throughfall )

Monthly Analysis of Atmospheric Precipitation - CHMI

Hradec Kralove - CHMI ( HKR, autom. sampler, monthly wet-only )
Kosetice - CHMI ( GEM, autom. sampler, monthly wet-only )
Kosetice - CHMI ( GEM, monthly bulk samples )
Kosetice - CHMI ( GEM, monthly throughfall )
Praha Libus - CHMI ( LIP, autom. sampler, monthly wet-only )

Annual Wet Deposition

CHMI - weekly
IFER - monthly
PL - monthly
VÚV - monthly
ČGÚ - monthly
CHMI - monthly

Volume Weighted Average Concentrations

CHMI - weekly
IFER - monthly
PL - monthly
VÚV - monthly
ČGÚ - monthly
CHMI - monthly
IFER - irregularly