Tab. II.5.3 The occurrence of the ground-level ozone concentrations above 170 μg.m-3 in the territory of the Czech Republic in 2011

Date Station Temperature in Prague
21.4.11 10:00 Šerlich 23.1 172
24.8.11 12:00 Kuchařovice 31.6 172
26.8.11 13:00 Rudolice v Horách 32.6 173
24.8.11 13:00 Rudolice v Horách 31.6 173
26.8.11 13:00 Tušimice 32.6 173
13.7.11 11:00 Kuchařovice 27.8 173
26.8.11 15:00 Rudolice v Horách 32.6 176
26.8.11 14:00 Rudolice v Horách 32.6 176
26.8.11 14:00 Tušimice 32.6 181